Information from users are collected only when they fill out forms on our website to contact us or for user registration into many of the franchise events that we organize. Personal information such as your name, email address and other essential contact details will be taken during registration and checkout process.

Rest assured any information you share with us is absolutely safe. As per our policy, your information at no means will be shared, rented or disclosed to other third parties.

We will use the information shared by you for:

  1. Improve our website for the better, based on the feedback we receive from users like you
  2. Use it to improve and provide better client service
  3. To send emails and promotional announcements regularly about franchise events, updates and services. You can always opt out from getting as information



  • We use cookies on this website to keep track of return visitors and to know their online preferences.
  • We also use cookies to help users have a more customized web experience.



This website uses google adwords remarketing service to advertise on third party websites (including google) to previous users/visitors of our site. This may mean that we advertise to reach previous visitors who have visited our site and have not browsed through all the  website pages or have an incomplete transaction. Such users may be targeted through google remarketing in the form of advertisements. This could be through advertisement on google properties, or a partner in the google display network. It is a fact that third- party vendors, including google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits to different websites. Naturally,  any data/information collected because of these cookies will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy and google’s privacy policy.